Here, you'll find answers to some of the most common questions about our photoshoots, images, and more. If you still have questions after reading through our tips pages and FAQs, feel free to reach out to us via email, Instagram, or Facebook.
frequently asked questions
Got questions? we've got answers!
Here, you'll find answers to some of the most common questions about our photoshoots, images, and more. If you still have questions after reading through our tips pages and FAQs, feel free to reach out to us via email, Instagram, or Facebook.
Our artistic director has a vast knowledge of dance and technique from her many years in the dance world. She has trained in and taught various styles, which brings many benefits to our team. We are a duo: photographer (Mike) and artistic director (Brittany). While Mike specializes in lighting and composition, Brittany is the expert in posing and technique. Combining our knowledge takes our work to the next level. Over the years, we’ve learned how to create poses that are not only technically correct for dance but also work best from a photographic perspective. We've also gained the knowledge and skill of lighting dance poses effectively—something that differs greatly from lighting for non-dance photoshoots.
We love showing images as we shoot to see your reaction! Plus, it helps boost your confidence and shows how amazing you are without photoshoot. We won't show you every image and pose though, because we want to build some excitement for the final product. We know a big worry for dancers is making sure they look good. But you don't have to worry! Between the two of us, we make sure the image quality is there, your facial expression is good, the pose is proper, and your technique is to your best ability.
During your session, we take more photos than what's included in your package. We do this for a number of reasons... 1) Having a variety of images gives you plenty of choices when it comes to choosing your favourites. 2) We want you to fully enjoy the photoshoot experience without it feeling rushed, so we take extra shots to make sure the experience lasts (without exceeding the time limit). 3) Some people simply want more photos than what's included in the package, so we make sure to have a few extra.
Once your photos are done, you will be able to view them on an online gallery. You will then be able to choose (and download) the ones that are included in your package with the option to buy more if you want. There will be a per photo cost or a discounted "buy all" feature.